Eva Charles
author : Eva CharlesAfter being a confirmed city-girl for more than thirty-five years, Eva moved to beautiful Western Massachusetts in 2014. There, she found herself living in the woods with no job, no friends (unless you count the turkey, deer, and coyote roaming the backyard), and no children underfoot, wondering what on earth she’d been thinking. But as it turned out, it was the perfect setting to take all those yarns spinning in her head and weave them into a romantic tale. \n\nWhen she’s not writing, trying to squeeze information out of her tight-lipped sons or playing with the two cutest dogs you’ve ever seen, Eva’s creating chapters in her own love story.\n\nSign-up for my newsletter and you will automatically be eligible for a monthly giveaway! www.evacharles.com \n\nFollow me on Facebook for the up-to-date news and fun: https://www.facebook.com/evacharlesauthor/\n View more >>